We left on Saturday the 16th. We drove 355 miles through the city, the Desert, and into the mountains. We were invited to stay with some very good friends, who had a condo in the village of Mammoth. We had some cold weather gear, but what we didn't have, we borrowed, and we were very comfortable. The first morning when we checked the temperature, it was 2 deg, by the time we got the the mountain, it was all the way up to 7. By the time we got our tickets, and Sydney's rental, it was 12. Amber, Sydney, and I (Eric) had a very abreviated lesson in snowboarding. The girls and I spent the rest of the day falling, and bruising our bodys all in the quest to learn how to snowboard. We were so sore from our first day of falling, that the second day, Sydney and I started the day off with skiing, and Amber stayed back at the condo.
Sydney showed me a very determined side of her. She went back to snowboarding for the last half of the day. She really wanted to learn.
The third day, we were all back on snowboards, and Sydney was in a lesson. Mammoth gets a lot of southern California traffic, as it is the only place that has snow, and it is a great facility. We saw a soup star named Rena Sofer, and Justin Timberlake was spotted on the mountain.
By the end of the day, we all had a pretty good grasp on snowboarding. I collected a few pictures for you, and a video clip. here you go:
Here is a picture of Amber doing her best not to pull a Sonny Bono:
