Starting back in 1989 I was introduced to another aspect of motorcycle racing. Canyon riding. The nearest Mountain was Palomar MTn. which produced some of the windiest rodes in Southern Cal. we used to go to the top riding single, with a bunch of friends, and sometimes double with Kim on the back.
It is also what got me aggressive enough to jump to the next stage which was roadracing on a closed circuit track.
I continued to ride up Palomar Mtn. but in the last 10 years I had only made about 4-5 trips. I decided it was time to show my youngest daughter what had inspired me. We loaded the bike in the back of the trunk, and took the freeway about 38 miles, and unloaded the bike, and hit the twisties. We rode up the tight side of the MTn. stopped at Mothers kitchin at the top and hung out with the boys.

We jumped back on the bike and drove to the observatory at anopther peak of the Mtn.
We took a quik tour, and a few pictures, and headed back down the back side of the Mountain. We made one or two stops along the way back to the trunk for a total of 80miles of riding. She was a great passanger, and I look forward to doing it again soon. Maybe her sister will go.

The 200-inch (5.1 m) Hale Telescope (f/3.3) was the world's largest effective telescope for 45 years (1948 - 1993). It is still a workhorse of modern astronomy. It is used nightly for a wide range of astronomical studies. On average the weather allows for at least some data collection about 290 nights a year.