Some asshole shows up late, crowds me and stumbles into the deer I was tracking.
I taught 'S' as much as I could.
I taught her to scout multiple spots.
Know your terrain, and the surroundings.
Make sure you know where your going to sit, have a backup plan.
Make sure you have a shooting lane
know your weapon and your comfort level of distances you can shoot
Look for signs, know that there is deer in there.
Get in your spot early, and don't screw up some one else hunt.
Be considerate, and respectful.
Well I did all those, watch a buck for over a week( he went about 18olbs, and was a 2x3 muley), and got in my spot by 5am
People were still rolling in after 6am, between 6 and 6:30, I counted 7 cars. One of the last guy to show up near me came in and 6:15, saw someone in his spot.
So he walks into my spot/area, busting through the brush, so I shine a light at him. He yells to his buddy, " some one is there, we need to move.
I thought he left. Turns out he was about 100ft from me. I finally see the buck i had been watching and two does walk out of the brush about 325 yds away, I make double sure he's legal, but I don't like the shot ( quartered toward me, between bushes) i see the doe come toward me, I see he is going to follow. They are heading toward me, he comes out of the bushes, but at an angle where I can't see him yet, and then.... My ears get rung by the guy sitting that close to me as he unloads his gun on this thing. The first two shots miss him ( at about 125yds) then he finally spines this thing, and it is kicking about. He waits about 4 minutes, walks out to it, and puts another round into its neck the size of a football. I just wanted to cry. All the work and effort, and this guy who does everything wrong gets the buck. Me or anyone else would have been better.

Moral of the story:
Its Ok to not scout ( I talked to him, he had no idea this buck is here) show up late, bust in on someone else spot, not leave, and not make good ethical shots.
Moral 2:
Its public land, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it!