Saturday night while watching the San Diego Supercross on TV, we looked outside and saw heavy rain, and hail. It was not looking encouraging to go out riding the next morning as planned.
The next morning is was hailing and raining, so i decided to sleep in. an hour later the girls are waking me up to go riding. We loaded up and drove through the mountains to the desert. As we crested 4,000ft elev. we saw plenty of snow and slush, and actually followed a snowplow through the pass. Was we descended onto the desert floor, the ground dried up, and the sun was out. It was 54 deg, and it was going to be a good day. We pulled up in our usual riding area, and met up with the Coffin family and the Dergen family. Right away 'A' and 'S' took off for a challanging ride around the mountain ( about 20 miles). We were to meet up with another buddy on the other side of of the mountain, he was going to be a guide for our trip. He had a long weekend, and was ready to pack up, so we were on our own. The trip around the mountain was a steady flow, and the girls did great. They had a different view of the mountain. We rode again with the rest of the clan, and tested our riders on some tricky terrain. I was away on a ride when 'S' sinally tried to ride the big 250 of her sisters. As we were loading up to leave, she jumped on the 250 with her jeans and showed me she could start it, and ride it. Very proud of you Kid!