My wonderful sister, and her lovely daughter are in town. They are visiting from "semi-cold" Indiana. They wish to hit a few California sites, like the beaches, and some other Oceanfront features.
The first day, we went to the beach with some bicycles, and round around the inland waterways, the beaches, and boardwalks, for about 7 miles. We stoppped for lunch, shopped in a a pier-side store. and then went home and had dinner, and called it a night. the next day. While 'S' played softball, the family went to the Swap meet, and then to Shelter Island for some lunch, and shopping at a farmers market, and a alchoholic beverage ( see below) . When the girls got home, 'S' and I had already started washing the trucks. We added Kim's 4runner to the car wash, too. Leslie cooked up a beautiful meal of Garlic Chicken, and potatoes, yum. 'S' made some brownies. what a great day!

Kim and Leslie having a little drink