We bowled a game and a half. The scores were not impressive, but everyone was smiling.
We had some fries, and beer. Made our way over to the pool table, and tried to teach the girls about shooting pool. We listened to some country music and had a great time.

Sunday, we got up early and went out to the mountains, and 'S' participated in the Youth Pheasant hunt. They had booths set up for shooting clays, learning about the environment, archery, bird dogs, and finally going out into the field with a dog, and handler, and a partner. 'S' had a shot at two birds. She hit the first one pretty hard, but it flew into another field, and it's demise could not be verified. The second bird was hit, but flew off to live another day. Her hunting partner was able to knock down one bird ( kids were given an opportunity at two birds, often a rooster, and a hen). Here is a picture of 'S' with her partners bird.

We left the hunt, and I let 'S' drive the truck down a dirt road in the mountains. It was one lane mostly, and winded its way out of the mountains and some beautiful scenery, that included seeing wild animals, waterfalls and stream, an arboreal tunnel.
We made it home after a long day. 'S' took a nap in the sun ( it was in the 70's all day) I cleaned the gun, then went out back to plant some tomato plants, and some onion bulbs. This is my first earnest attempt at a garden, I will keep you updated