Ohio family and South/North Carolina family, came to visit.
We started off with a trip to Disney Land. (everyone except me(I hate crowds))
The family had a great time. They got the "Fast-pass" and that helped get them through the lines faster.
My Grand niece was the only "Real child, and she is 4. she loved Disney as all kids do.
The next day was Golfing. We golfed at a course called Eagle Crest. Very nice course, but the scores were not that good.
We left the course and went back to the house for a cookout with burgers, dogs and brat's. What a good day!
Sunday, the boys jumped in the Jeep, borrowed another Jeep, and we went to the mountains. We dropped off some lemons at a restaurant at the top. They serve us well up there, so we bring them lemons.
On the North end of the mountain, we took pictures of a lookout over the desert. What a beautiful shot. We drove back into a Jeep trail, and hit a few obstacles. The old Jeep overheated due to a bad fan relay. We let it cool down and once we got to the open road, we were fine.
Made it back to Old town San Diego in time for a Mexican food dinner.
A week later we decided to re-attempt the mountain Jeep Trail, and we made it in all the way. This time the girls got to drive. So proud of the skills they are learning. ( Dad's idea of skills)
Amber's boyfriend Mike |
Borther-in-law (TY), Brandon, Me, Mike |
B, and Breanne |
Amber, Mike |
Blake, Kevin, Courtney ( Neice) John ( Best bud), Sydney, Sister-in-law (Lisa), Kim |
When you step out of the Jeep make sure there is not a rut! |
Overlook |
full concentration by Amber |
Sydney (youngest) |
Amber, (Oldest) |
Proud Dad |