We finally took the whole family for an overnight trip to the Desert. More specifically, the sand dunes of Glamis Ca. It is a recreational area of thousands of acres of san dunes. It was a busy weekend, with about 40k - 50k people. The camping areas were very full, and the dunes were not too bad. We stayed with a great group of people from our softball community. Some family's had trailers, campers, RV's, and tents. We set up a tent, that was designed for warm weather camping ( such as the desert). The only problem with that is that it can get very cold at night in the desert. There were a few drawbacks, too many people, dust, noise, one of our quads broke down, got cold at night.
On the plus side, Kim came out with us.
The riding was great.
The kids were able to learn lots of riding techniques in the sand, and the sand hills. We had a veriety of vehicles to ride, and share. Quads, dune buggies, motorcycles, a razor, and a jeep.
We rode out to a big sand hill named "Oldsmobile" and the girls had never seen something so big, and they were able to get on some quads, or motorcycles that were strong enough to make it up. Both "A" and "S" went up the hill by themselves. Yahoo!
Here are some pictures:
Hey Ratz, Looks like you had a blast. That paddle tire looks like the one "Jammin" Jimmy Wienert used at an old Supercross race - but was disqualified. (How's that for dating myself, way back in the days of Bob Hannah, I can even remember the motocross magazine I saw the article in...) Well anyway the family looks great..Tbone
Thanks T. You need to bring your hand controls out, and we can mount them to the Razor, and get you hitting the dunes. Some people take their trucks way back in there. Those Razors go anywhere.tbone , " Hello,? Polaris? yeah my name is Tbone,
I want me one of those Razors."
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