The travel team that Amber and I are on made a final appearance for the season.
We went to Barstow California for the "AFA WEstern Nationals 14 B" we advanced through pool play, by going 0-1-1. Which didn't look very good. In bracket play, we won our first and second game. We came back ther next day to loose a very close game with the Desert Blaze team. It was an international tie breaker, and that sent us to the losers bracket. We promptly beat the next team 17-5 and were sent to the finals against.... the Desert Blaze. We were on a roll and momentum was on our side. Then... A freak monsoonal rainstorm hit, postponing play, and flooding the fields. We were not allowed to play the final game, but by virtue of previous meeting, the advantage went to Desert Blaze, and the were given the championship, and we were relagated to 2nd.
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