Here are some pictures of the rigs that showed up. In some of the pictures, you can see the track in the background.
The oldest of the boys trying to lead the pack in the how to rid your inhabitions for Halloween.
Our gratious host did a lot of work on the ranch to get it ready for riders, and partiers.
The kids really got in to it, and looked very good in their outfits.
'K" and her friend, I am sorry I don't remember her name, but these two were all smiles, and having a good time. 'K' put in a back breaking amount of work on everything from the cleanliness of the house and ranch, to the haunted house, and to getting everyone fed, and sleeping arangements. She even had time for a long ride with the guys.... What a stud!
I am glad to call these folks my friends, I could listen to 'B' talk, and make me laugh all night, and 'K' never seemd to get frazled, and was always pleasent and genuine. She made us feel very welcome.
'S' learned to do a wheelie. unfortanatly it was only on a wheelchair.
We saw a few tarantulas, around camp. They don't harm anyone.
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