I got a nice gift from Kim for my birthday.... which begets a nice gift for Kim from Me. which begets some household mods.
Kim twisted my arm enough that I bought a flat screen TV for the bedroom. finally something else for the neighbors to watch.
I mounted the TV high enough for us to see, but this created a new issue. The cable outlet( on the other side of the room), and AC outlet was now to low and we had to clean up the situation.
First I hired (at a very low rate) a local contractor to do all the grunt work.
She measured out the height of our TV, and located the wall studs. She traced out the outlet with a pencil, drilled some pilot holes in each corner, and used a drywall saw to cut out the shape of the outlet.
She tapped into the A/C in the outlet below, and routed the 2/14 cable up the new outlet. I went into the attic, and routed the cable to go though the ceiling down between the studs(not me, in this case).
we crimped on a new coax connector, and 'S' fed it into the outlet, and fed the A/C into the same outlet. 'S' pushed the outlet into the wall and turned the securing screws to hold it all in place.
She mounted the A/c, and coax receptacles, and put on the outer cover.... Job complete.
note: The contractor was paid at current union wages, and did not violate any child labor laws. No animals were injured during the filming of this project.
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