Big 'A' turned 16, and wanted a Beach party. Well, that meant a lot of work on Mom and Dads part. Dad and 'A' were the first ones out to the beach in the morning. Around 6:30am we arrived to reserve or stake out a fire pit for the day. Every pit had someone next to it, and we assumed we were out of luck, A kind surfer told us to check on one of the pit occupants, as he may be a left over from last night. We woke this guy up, asked if he was saving this pit, he said no. We put up our canopy, and had ourselves a pit. The party didn't start until 1pm, but we spent the next 6 hours just hanging out, and having an occasional nap. We had plenty of snacks for the kids, and ordered pizza from Dominos. The festivities and bonfire went on til 10pm when we called it a night.
30 kids showed up. There was a marine layer most of the day that kept the temperatures down, the sun broke through for about 3-4 hours, then it was overcast again.
Lack of prevention caught 'S' and I without enough sunscreen on. We both were sunburned. I mostly had it on the top of my feet. 'S' had it all over.

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