Then a fog light was missing, he said "I have the light assembly, but the lense is craked..... " "I'll take what you have"
HE had seat covers on it, but i looked underneth, but did not see anything. (I will regret that later)
I come back the next day to pay him, and take the truck. I ask for the exhaust, and he replies " what exhaust?"
Me: "ah the stock exhaust"
Nick: " i don't have that"
Me: " you said you have it at your Dads house and you would give it to me to swap out"
Nick:" oh, It's damaged, I think he threw it away"
I assume he just didn't want to deal with it..... you know, a lier, no integrity.
He didn't give me the light either.
I drove home and when my daughter rode in it, she noticed the windows wouldn't roll down from her seat, only the driver could roll hers down. I text Nick. he states I never noticed. Nobody rides in the passanger seat" ( bullshit. He had the truck for 6 years and never noticed it, or his girlfriend never noticed it.... yeah right!
Then we find that a rear speaker is blown ( no big deal) I find a fix on the internet for the window issue. I have to recrimp a wire connector.
The seat felt wierd, so I lift the seat cover even farther, and see that the foam has ripped and the frame of the seat is pushing through and ripped the seat fabric. The back rest also has a huge rip, and part of the frame is pushing through there too. It is very uncomfortable. I notice power steering fluid dripping out, and the alternator seems to be a bit noisey. I text him about this, and he says:
" you bought a used truck USED! get over it, there are going to be things wrong with it, stop texting me, if you don't like the truck, sell it!
WHAT A Dick!!! I tell him "I like the truck, i just want to know if there is anything you were worried about that might get me stranded, and oh by the way, I went to the DMV, and they said you were suppose have it smog checked.
He quipped back: "glad you like the truck but Wow you want me to pay $30 now for the smog check, you sure wern't worried about the State law when you wrote down the price of the vehicle"
ah I am not worried about the state law stupid, I want to stop turning around and paying for something that you didn't take care of.
This asshole has ruined the expirience for me, but I am trying to put him in the past.
When I sell something, I try to make sure to sell it in good condition, or disclose as much as possible , so I don't ave someone coming back and pointing out things that are wrong.
Here are some pictures taken with my phone, I will get some better ones later.

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