Friday, June 13, 2014

Picked up a new bike to flip

I shopped the items at the auction, and this one seemed to make sense. I figured I could pick it up for $1,000 or less. Well, I got it for $800. after fees, it was $890.
The bike is in great shape, and I was able to take it for a ride almost right away.  We put a battery in it, and off i go.
The bike rode fine. But I noticed it leaked a little. I have taken the carbs apart, and adjusted them several times. I found a few parts that needed replacing due to age. In the mean time...
Sydney got her street bike license, and she wanted to take it for a spin. We took the back roads over to the coast and rode along the coast for about 12 miles, and she did great. She followed me, and eventually lead. I worry about her, but I want her to ride as much as possible with me, because one day I won't be there, and she will need to have good habits.

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