Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Back yard getting closer

I had a couple days off of work and decided to catch up on the construction of the back yard.  So I added some gravel, finished the bricks, put a coat of urethane on the bench and bought a vine for the trellis.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Evening ride on the Kat

I worked on the bike, and replaced a few items in the Carburetor. Once it was up and running, Sydney insisted we test it out ( it would be irresponsible to not test it). We rode over and got some gas, and stopped by a Jamba juice/ Starbucks were a few bikers gather, and we were off to the Poway area. Miramar rd. East to Scripps Poway pkwy, then to 67, back down Poway rd. about 25 miles, We had the Go-pro mounted, and it looked something like this.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Picked up a new bike to flip

I shopped the items at the auction, and this one seemed to make sense. I figured I could pick it up for $1,000 or less. Well, I got it for $800. after fees, it was $890.
The bike is in great shape, and I was able to take it for a ride almost right away.  We put a battery in it, and off i go.
The bike rode fine. But I noticed it leaked a little. I have taken the carbs apart, and adjusted them several times. I found a few parts that needed replacing due to age. In the mean time...
Sydney got her street bike license, and she wanted to take it for a spin. We took the back roads over to the coast and rode along the coast for about 12 miles, and she did great. She followed me, and eventually lead. I worry about her, but I want her to ride as much as possible with me, because one day I won't be there, and she will need to have good habits.