Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The girls

Some glamour, and some construction.
#1 had to assemble a table, so I sent her a DeWalt drill, and she finished the project like a pro.
#2 had a formal event for her sorority, and got dressed up all nice, and partied it up.

Took the dog this time, and he loves the mountains

Daughter was in town for Thanksgiving. Wanting to burn off some of the feast, we threw the dog in the truck, put on some hiking shoes/boots, and headed for Mount Laguna. We hiked in off the main road about 1.5 miles, and found ourselves in a meadow with a pond. The dog loved it. He also ran into more dogs that enjoyed the water.  I got to wear my hat, and my wife didn't even roll her eyes.

Hunting season is over, but the memories go on

We did a lot of hiking this year, with no results. If you count getting a deer results.
We stayed healthy, burned some calories, and saw some great views. On the mountains overlooking the desert, we saw a couple does, but this was the best view all year, as well as the toughest hike.